Tag Archives: traditions

Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Awareness Month 2017

In 2013, the Governors of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia declared “Gullah/Geechee Awareness Month” and “Gullah/Geechee Heritage Month,” respectively.  Since that time, the leaders of the Gullah/Geechee Nation have continued the celebration of “Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Awareness Month.”

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Jayn we fa Shout at de Brick Baptist Church!

Brick Baptist Church and the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition invite you to join us for a community sing and film screening on Wednesday, August 16 from 6:30-8:30pm at the Brick Baptist Church Annex on St. Helena Island, SC in the Gullah/Geechee Nation. We will share a series of short films about the tradition of lining hymns and their importance today.

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Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation Continues Gullah/Geechee Healing and Continuation

St. Helena Island, SC native Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com) celebrated the 17th anniversary of being the first Gullah/Geechee to ever speak before the United Nations in Genevé, Switzerland on behalf of Gullah/Geechees by continuing to work to keep the culture alive. She and the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition (www.gullahgeechee.net) which she founded in 1996 in order to insure that Gullah/Geechee traditions and landownership would continue celebrated the conclusion of another successful “Gullah/Geechee Nation Volunteer Month” and invites the community to the landmark St. Helena Branch Library to events for healing the community and continue Gullah/Geechee culture.

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De Conch Gullah/Geechee Ezine January Edition

De international ezine of De Gullah/Geechee Nation’s January edition is out! The edition features Gullah/Geechee events for 2016, highlights musical artists Latrese Bush & Noel Gourdin, the premiere of the documentary, “Wilmington on Fire,” and provides and update on De Gullah/Geechee Alkebulan Archive.

Ef bout we hunnuh wan kno, den yeddi de conch da blo!

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Gwine Bak ta Olde Landmark: Investing in Gullah/Geechee Souls

“When we become a culture that denies our history, we become just another social club…”

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Meetin GAWD pun Gullah/Geechee Watas

“It wouldn’t have been so bad if they were any other profession, but they were card carrying fishermen.” was spoken, I thought about the battle that we have been fighting for five years to protect our fishermen from being persecuted for continuing to support themselves and feed their families from our waterways as our elders and ancestors did for generations. Just as with the fishermen in the scriptures, this is their livelihood.

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Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition 19 Years Strong!

Queen Quet was given a statement by the ancestors in a vision and this became the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition’s motto which has been incorrectly published as a “Gullah proverb” by many that did not cite Queen Quet for the origin of the quote:

“Hunnuh mus tek cyare de root fa heal de tree.”


However, she has lived these words as she’s worked on behalf of the Gullah/Geechee community for over thirty five years and she continues to stand and lead the efforts to keep Gullah/Geechee culture alive and heal the community from the hostility and misrepresentation that they have endured.

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Rest or Run? Discussing Rising Seas and Relocation with the Gullah/Geechee Nation

The word “retreat” immediately invokes images of relaxation for me and many in the Gullah/Geechee Nation since people come by the tens of thousands to our homeland for just that. The fact that they have has led to the displacement of our people for those that want this to be their final place of retreat and relaxation for numerous reason. However, in this discussion that I was now being engaged, this word meant the other meaning that is not a part of my standard vocabulary-to run!

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Gullah/Geechee Nation Holiday Celebration

Cum fa jayn we at de Gullah/Geechee Nation Holiday Celebration!

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Seminole Days and Gullah/Geechee Ways

I said a prayer of healing for all of the Gullah/Geechee Diaspora and I continued the journey into the smiles and the embraces and into a process of reconnection. I gave thanks for all the elders that were present and all the youth that were now actively taking part in Seminole Days and had helped the elders to curate the museum and to market this annual reunion. I gave thanks for being able to again make this journey and to reconnect the entire Gullah/Geechee Seminole Diaspora.

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