Tag Archives: sea level rise

#GullahGeechee2020 Conferences bout we Culcha

#GullahGeechee2020 is affording those that seek the TRUTH about Gullah/Geechee culture the opportunity to attend two conferences sponsored by native Gullah/Geechees. Register for the 1st Gullah/Geechee Herbal Gathering and the Coastal Cultures Conference.

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Support Gullah/Geechee Rising SEA and Help #GullahGeechee Resiliency

The Gullah/Geechee community that has been self-sufficient and resilient in this area since the 1600s is now faced with an on-slaught of challenges to the continuation of their culture on their own land which has been passed down since the US Civil War. They are not only dealing with issues of economic inequity, but also environmental injustice which has and continues to cause displacement of Gullah/Geechee from the southeastern coast. For those that remain there, they are literally on the front shoreline of climate change and sea level rise.

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Sustaining a Nation by Queen Quet @GullahGeechee

When I started out doing this work over almost 4 decades ago, no one else used the term “Gullah/Geechee” and now it is a hashtag unto itself.  I was led to put the two words together in order to unify my people who had been separated by those that truly sought to destroy our spirits and exploit our abilities in the process.  The fortunate reality is that there are people around the world that now know of the existence of #GullahGeechee history, heritage, and culture.  However, the unfortunate thing is that due to the saturation of the entertainment and tourist markets with storytelling and misleading representations via museums, replicated sites, non-Gullah/Geechee operated events, tourism agencies, and now even museums that seek to exploit grant money, the work that the Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition and the leaders of the Gullah/Geechee Nation are doing has become that much more difficult.

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Yale Climate Connections features #GullahGeechee

Queen Quet Marquetta L. Goodwine is the elected leader of the Gullah/Geechee Nation. She says the problems are compounded by tourism-driven development that has destroyed the coastal marshland that helps protect against storms and flooding.

So she says people need to rethink their relationship with coastal areas and work to protect them.  Tune in to hear the interview at


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I Been een de Storm So Long

Florence kept spinning faster and widening to show a commanding presence.  Yet, for her, that wasn’t enough.   The next things we knew, she was bringing other storms along with her too!  I posted on Facebook” We hafa end this stormy family reunion fa tru!”  Then folks that had never been in the storm wondered “What will ya’ll do?”  In response, my soul sang as my ancestors did:

“I been een de storm so long!

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Gullah/Geechee Queen Quet Gwine Back ta de UN

Sea level rise and other climate changes impacts are compounding the work to protect the Sea Island environment.  Yet, Queen Quet  is committed to this work daily.  Queen Quet  has successfully worked against offshore oil drilling and seismic gun use in the Atlantic Ocean and is actively engaged with global partners in reaching the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.    On September 25th 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years and the Gullah/Geechee Nation  is working to achieve these goals during the International Decade of People of African Descent.   With your support, the Gullah/Geechee can insure that we have representation in the major planning and engagement activities to reach these goals and to insure that the Paris Agreement to protect the environment are achieved.   So, Tenki Tenki fa hep we send Queen Quet  ta de UN one mo ‘gain!   

Please contribute to this aspect of the “Gullah/Geechee Save the Sea Islands World Tour”  at https://www.gofundme.com/gullahgeechee-queen-quet-goes-toun

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Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Conferences 2018

These conferences are wonderful opportunities to engage in interactive activities and dialogues with people that live the Gullah/Geechee culture and learn first hand how they continue to keep their cultural heritage alive.  You can also learn how you can be an active part of assisting in that process.  The Gullah/Geechees encourage hunnuh fa jayn we fa yeddi who webe frum we!

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Sea Level Rise in the Gullah/Geechee Nation featured on The Weather Channel

Sea level rise and climate change in the Gullah/Geechee Nation featured on the Weather Channel.

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Sea Level Rise and Jurisdictional Lines on Gullah/Geechee Shorelines

Having been one of the people that helped write the Pocantico Call to Action on Climate Change and Cultural Heritage, my focus has been on how sea level rise and other outcomes of climate change impact the sustainability of cultural heritage.   So, I am under no illusion about the required continued diligence of natives of the coasts to stand up and speak out about protecting the cultural heritage of our coasts. 

De Gullah/Geechee binya pun de Sea Islands and ain da gwine nowhey ebun win de oda ress crak e teet bout retreat! 

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Coastal Heritage Conference 2017: Sustaining Cultural Heritage as the Climate Changes

The Gullah/Geechee Sustainability Think Tank invites you to bring out the family for a day of interactive environmental engagement to protect cultural heritage. Advance registration is required and the event is FREE.

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