Tag Archives: Salvation Army

Save the Weeping Time @GullahGeechee Historic Community!

There is richness in the community of West Savannah that has yet to be tapped and this shelter is not the appropriate mechanism for tapping that richness.  On this 162nd anniversary of The Weeping Time Auction, West Savannah residents are fighting for a fair chance by wanting to use the grounds of this sacred asset to benefit and uplift this community. So, tell Mayor Van Johnson and the Savannah City Council that you stand with the Gullah/Geechee family in West Savannah, GA and you are crying out, but will weep no more!   Sign the petition TODAY: https://www.change.org/p/mayor-van-johnson-and-savannah-city-council-save-the-weeping-time-historic-community-stand-with-savannah-s-gullah-geechee-family

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