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Queen Quet to De Charleston Gullah/Geechee Family in Honor of My Friend Clementa Pinckney

“I went passed the church yesterday and the day before

And it looked like no one was there to open the door.

I wondered if my BrotherPastorFriend was there.

I wanted to just hug Clementa again and to share.

I went passed the church to be

With more of my Charleston Gullah/Geechee Family,

I got to a place that I know Clementa would appreciate fa tru

Cuz dem chillun bin da shout een dey and say ‘Hallelujah’ too!

I thought that this was why I didn’t need to go in the church door

Since just down the street we praised and fellowshipped some more.

I thought to myself, I would call him and another friend when I came back next week.

I wanted us to have time together because whenever we got to talk it was peaceful and sweet.

It was always about what we could do to uplift our people together.

Yes, Clementa Pinckney was the pastor and community leader that was there no matter the weather!

I still kept wondering if all with him was well because something was speaking to me about him

So, I could not believe it when I looked on Facebook and saw a post ever so grim.

I had to re-read the header for a few before I could click the link

Because it was just hours before that the Spirit told me to leave Charleston and I left without a blink.

I was now blinking to bring clarity to what was before my eyes

And I tried to convince myself not to get upset because on Facebook folks can post some lies!

I turned on the TV and tried to move quickly

To find a channel called MSNBC.

As soon as I got to it, I saw faces that I know

And I cried out to GOD, “Please say it ain’t so!”

They were speaking of nine people having been shot in the church that I had passed every day this week.

The same church in which I’ve prayed, sang, and been invited to speak!

Before I could focus to read what scrolled by on the screen,

I heard words that I know, but had to pause to insure what these words did mean-

9 shot while in Emmanuel AME?

No!  NO!  This cannot be!

I was looking for my BrotherPastorFriend there

Just so he would know that I care.

As I thought this, I heard his name and another reverend said,

“We can confirm that Senator Clementa Pinckney is one of the 9 dead.”

I heard nothing else that this man said by phone over the broadcast

Because I had to grab the wall and holdfast.

I then grabbed my faith and held on too

And prayed to GOD that this report was untrue.

I let the TV stay on the bad news that I rarely watch listening for a correction

But GOD was speaking to me and telling me, “This is why you wanted to make the connection.”

I sat down and called family.

I sat back and prayed for the Nation of the Gullah/Geechee.

I then felt the pain that I would no longer see

My BrotherFriendPastor, Clementa Pinckney.

Although the Spirit led me to leave Charleston before the gun fired

In these wee hours of the morning I have not yet retired

Because I am embracing all of my Charleston family

And praying that all that made their crossing this evening will rest peacefully.

My family I love you and I am here for you as we work together to heal in unity.

GAWD please hold up hunnuh Gullah/Geechee famlee and heal allawe.”



Queen Quet

Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation

South Carolina Senator Clementa Pinckney stands with Queen Quet whom he had honored through a state resolution. The two united on many issues to uplift the Gullah/Geechee community in SC. He will truly be missed.

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