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Support the St. Helena Branch Library in the Gullah/Geechee Nation!

The Gullah/Geechee Sea Island Coalition ( has supported the building of a library on St. Helena Island from the time that the concept was brought forth by the St. Helena Community Preservation District Committee which was chaired by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (  Since this unprecedented state-of-the-art community space opened, our organization has hosted numerous workshops, lectures, and cultural events at the St. Helena Branch Library via the “Gullah/Geechee Living History Series.”  Through these programs, we have fully engaged with the staff and community in this space.  So, it comes as a MAJOR surprise that Beaufort County Council will consider cutting library hours for this and other branches to 24 hours per week!  This institution is already only open during limited hours.  Any further limitations to the hours of needed educational spaces like our county libraries would only have a negative impact on the community and even on the visitors that come to town as tourists.   Many of the latter come to support the programs at these institutions and they come to these spaces to learn about the history of Beaufort County.

As we seek to support the “Fill the Shelves” fundraiser that the Friends of the Library is having to assist the St. Helena Branch with getting more books and DVDs, we are also supporting keeping the current hours of all of the county libraries.  To that effect, we will speak out on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 5 pm during the Beaufort County Council meeting and we pray that our supporters and community members will also come to speak out in support of keeping our libraries fully funded and in full operation as well.

Full funding of our libraries keeps programs going for people of all ages.  One of the many programs that goes on at our libraries is the teen program.  A wonderful event will be taking place at the St. Helena Branch Library to support the Teen Service division of the library.  The


 will take place on Friday, March 20, 2015 from 4:00pm6:00pm.

The cost of the event is $10.00 per person at the door. A three course meal with dinner choice of either Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo or Rotini Pasta with Zucchini and Squash will be served. All choices are served with salad, dessert, and beverages. Come join Dennis Adams as Sherlock Holmes and Margaret LaVigne as Dr. Watson as they try to solve who killed King Henry the VIII. Some of your favorite book characters will come alive in the library.  One of them wanted the King out of the library for good, but which one? The audience is encouraged to participate in this tale of mayhem. Seating is limited, please call 843-255-6487 to reserve your spot at the table and you may pay in cash, check, or by charge to the Friends of the Beaufort Library.

Our libraries are truly spaces for family engagement.  So, come bring your family and support the St. Helena Branch Library!

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