A Gullah/Geechee Charge to Keep

by Queen Quet, Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation (www.QueenQuet.com)

“A charge to keep I have.  A GOD to glorify!”

I have sung these words for the majority of my life, but I never realized how they would be spoken into existence.  As I heard the words lined on St. Helena Island growing up and learned to respond along with the rest of the congregation, I never for once thought of the historical context of the entire ritual.  Every praise house and church that I went to in the Gullah/Geechee Nation had this tradition, so I didn’t think it was unique.  I found out as a traveled that it was not done in other places.  I have come to see it slowly fading away.  So, I was blessed by an invitation to be a part of the Spiritual Technologies Project entitled “A Charge to Keep I Have” and to be able to share the story of the lining of the hymns.  Mi bin da shout win mi git fa see all de oda res ob de eldas wha mi kno crakin e teet bout disya Gullah/Geechee charge tuh!  Praise GAWD!

I was blessed again when I received the links to the videos during “Gullah/Geechee Cultural Heritage Awareness Month.”   I pray that these links will relink our people with GOD’s Spirit that inspired these hymns and that inspired the Spirituals so that our people will keep lining and lining up to sing together in unison as the caller calls and we respond.  Yes LAWD!

Keeping these Gullah/Geechee traditions alive is truly a charge to keep that I have!

Gloree ta GAWD!


Tune in, share, and shout!

1 Comment

  1. Martin

    Queen Quet,   Keep up the good work!  I can’t wait to visit St. Helena Island one day.  Ancestors keep watch over you all!   Martin

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